Portfolio - Schedule web application

I believe this was somewhere in 2004 or thereabouts, in the final year of my MBO (associate’s degree?), and my first software development project. The basic idea was that we create a web application that can be used to schedule classes, or something like that; I don’t actually remember the specifics.

What I do remember is that the main functionality was a large grid of checkboxes; probably weekdays and hours in a day. That information was stored in a MySQL database. We started out with a grey-ish theme, but we were later told that it would need high contrast for the visually impaired; yellow on blue was supposedly the best for that, so we ended up with a yellow and blue atrocity. I believe frames were involved too.

One of the things I remember best was how the checkbox grid was intially just hand-written. I asked a question about that on our forum, which a guy from Latvia I used to know (who worked as a freelance PHP developer and did pretty well for himself) answered; he came up with a triple-nested for-loop which I had trouble comprehending, but it did turn 200-300 lines of repetitive html into about 15 lines of awesome, so good on him.

Years later I found some old code of his, it was… pretty bad. However, he still deserves all the respect, because he was out there building stuff and making good money out of it - in the end, working software > quality code.

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