Portfolio - Clan Arena

In early 2008, in the 3rd year of my education after my internship (I believe), I did a minor in game design. I got into a team that wanted to make an FPS; I believe the main guy had it all thought out already, although then again we were halfway through the minor when we finally got some game design written down.

The main thing about this project was the usage of the C4 Engine (which apparently isn’t for public use anymore?) and working in C++. It was a fully fledged game engine, with an editor and everything. We spent a lot of time just playing with it and experimenting. I myself spent an unhealthy amount of time taking the demo application and refactoring it; while I do believe the developer behind the engine knows what he’s doing, the code was not really pretty IMO. I’ve probably posted a number of forum posts about it, proposing my improvements to the code. The engine’s author didn’t reply to those though. Still, that’s fine, I enjoyed just refactoring and polishing the code. Performance was probably hurt by it though, but, I don’t know.

In the end we did manage to make a basic game; it was mostly based on the demo game provided by the engine, but we had a semblance of our own map, working multiplayer (again thanks to the demo), and shooty things. I don’t think the game was ever developed beyond that though. Googling for it now reveals a Quake mod; I doubt it’s got anything to do with it.

all hail the cookie monster ALL HAIL THE COOKIE MONSTER

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